Please join us for the inauguration of the IGEN Home Energy Conservation project “IGEN ENERGY99CHALLENGE V1.1” indexed by the United Nations Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) with the SDG action project ID #SDGAction48555.

About project @

Dr. Heera Lal Patel IAS (Special Secretary IWRD -Govt. of UP) and Dr. Dharma (Joint Secretary (Rtd.) Govt. Of India) will inaugurate the Version 1.1 project and present the project initiation orders to the first five institutions.

The Objective of the project is to implement energy saving, #ensav9mantrs to 99 public in 99 days with outcome to save 36K Units per Year. Each participants will create energy saving awareness to 99 homes and make them to implement the concept of saving one unit per day leads to save 365 units/home.

Program scheduled on 14th April 2024, 10AM (IST) & live @

Ask your clarification to Project Head Dr R. Zahira @

theigen #igensdgprojects #UNDESA #igenEnergy99Challenge #sdg7 #sdg12 #sdg13 #UNWithCivilSociety #ensav9mantras #SDGAction48555



Director IGEN


Project head Energy99 challenge