I am writing on behalf of IGEN (The Institution of Green Engineers) to share the successful outcome of our recent Earth Hour 60 event. All our outcome witnessed at IGEN MINUSCO2 project FB Group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/igenminusco2 .

Event outcome photos available @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/222600069659935/media/photos

We are pleased to share the outcome of the event with you:


1) 514 families participated.
2) 2,056 members took part.
3) 2,700 lights were switched off.
4) 607 equipment were powered down.
5) 715 kg of CO2 emissions were reduced.
6) 550 units of electricity were saved.
7) 600+ members connected in our FB group @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/igenminusco2

Event outcome video available @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/222600069659935/media/videos

All our actions by the participants also added in Hashtags

#MyHourForEarth #earthhour #igenEarthhour

igensdgprojects #MyHourForEarth #earthhour #igensdgprojects #igenEarthhour #energysaving #energyconservation #sdgs #sdg7 #sdg12 #sdg13 #sdg17

Appreciate the Organising team Headed by Mr K. Thanush and the members are Mr. Balaji , Ms. Kaavya Agith and Mr Titus George