Inauguration of IGEN ENERGY99CHALLENGE V1.1

Inauguration of IGEN ENERGY99CHALLENGE V1.1

The Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) under the leadership of Shri.Hans Raj Verma I.A.S with the goal to embark Energy Efficiency as Mantra in all the MSME TN – Marching towards DECARBONISATION invites all to join hands to celebrate National Energy...

Be a part of NPC Conference with big speakers

Register Offline or Online to participate NPC conference on Productivity and Sustainability. National Productivity Council in association with Dr. MGR Educational and Research Institute, The Institution of Engineers India (TVLC) and The Institution of Green Engineers...

Join us to inaugurate #igenYGINArme 9P

theigen Innovation Consortium linked to #SDG9 invites everyone for the inauguration of IGEN YGIN ARME 9P scheduled on 23rd Dec 2023@ 6 pm (IST). With the first version of IGEN YGIN ARME, four patents were filed in action to Seven Sustainable Development Goals. IGEN...
theigen partnered NPC Conference

theigen partnered NPC Conference

Registration (Offline/Online) open for NPC Conference on Productivity and Sustainability National Productivity Council in association with Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute, The Institution of Engineers India (TVLC) and The Institution of Green Engineers...