“Sustainable Energy – A boon or a bane” is a debate competition being conducted as a part of IGEN ENERGATHON 2023. This debate competition provides an opportunity to churn your thoughts about sustainable energies in line with #SDG7.

(1) Register yourself before 15th May,2023 , https://forms.gle/X5FgTG1WYkz6UUcPA
(2) The registered participant will have to participate in Round 1 scrutiny for the debate competition on 17th May, 2023
(3) Round 2 scrutiny is schedule on 20th May, 2023
(4) After Round 2, top 10 students will be selected for the final debate competition, which will be conducted live on 27th May, 2023
(5) The top 10 students will be inducted in IGEN YGIN ARME- IGEN Young Innovators Army wherein they will be guided and trained to pitch in their ideas and outcome of it will be patentable product.

EARTHDAY Partnered IGEN ENERGATHON 2023 – Setting a new world record for the longest conference on SDG7 Affordable and Clean Energy towards Sustainability

A marathon that lasted 18 hours – 16 sessions – 20 counties – 10 partners – 10 superstar speakers – 75 energy experts – 50 organizers – 20 academic partners – 20 industry partners join together through #sdg7 hosting #igenenergathon 2023 via the online platform.

May 27th , 2023 @ Digital Platform and participate all session of #igenenergathon with fruitful discussion

sdg7 #GlobalGoals #theigen #igenenergathon #energy #UNSDGAction #EarthDay

Any queries to be communicated to 9014876704, 9003076631

Dr. Ishrat & Dr. Kavitha