SDG13 Action Project : IGEN MINUSCO2 BATTLE : Under #igenSDGprojects
Climate change is directly contributing to humanitarian emergencies from heatwaves, wildfires, floods, tropical storms and hurricanes and they are increasing in scale, frequency and intensity. Research shows that 3.6 billion people already live in areas highly susceptible to climate change. Between 2030 and 2050, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths per year, from undernutrition, malaria, diarrhoea and heat stress alone.
Reducing emissions of greenhouse gases through better transport, food , energy use choices can result in very large gains for health, particularly through reduced air pollution.
To support the achievement of SDG goals and the objectives of the COP Climate Change Conference, The Institution of Engineers has launched a new initiative—IGEN MINUSCO2 BATTLE. This project aims to empower 10 billion people to take action in reducing CO₂ emissions by implementing #theigen Conservation Mantras for a cleaner environment, with a target to achieve significant impact by 2030.
#igenMinusCO2 consists of three stages: Light, Medium, and Strong Action, leading to achieve “IGEN SDG13 Change Maker Fellow”.
STAGE 01 LIGHT ACTION : SDG13 Action begins at home! My first pledge is to reduce 474 kg of CO2 annually by implementing the #ensav9mantras in my household.
- Join the project FB page @
- Study the IGEN #ensav9mantras to save 1.3Kg Co2 per day at home @ YouTube link or in Poster
- Pledge to Implement the mantras at your home and assure that some mantras started action in your home
- Any one family members take video on how u implemented and explain all 9 mantras in video and Post the video in the project FB page @
- Submit the google form for Project Action certificate
- The IGEN team will communicate and post the Project Action certificate on the #igenMinusCo2 Facebook page
STAGE 02 MEDIUM ACTION : My Project, My SDG, My CO2 Reduction! You are invited to propose your own project, running for a duration of 3 to 6 months, with the goal of reducing CO2 through its implementation.
- Submit your two Project Concept note @
- IGEN Project Committee will approve the proposal and present you the project order letter @
- Join the project FB page @
- During your projects, post regularly all the project action with a short description, photos and videos at
- Add the below hashtags during your posts, #theigen #sdgs #globalgoals #climateaction #sdg13 #igensdgprojects #igenMinusCO2
- Upon completion of the project , please submit a report and a video to
- You will have an interview with the IGEN Review Committee to finalize the project action and to verify the public’s knowledge of the implemented action and outcome
- You will be recommended for IGEN Awards & Appreciations based on the Judge committee’s satisfactory report
- The following are the appreciation presented to you – Project Completion Certificate , IGEN SDG Action Award and World Record International Recognition
STAGE 03 STRONG ACTION : My Project, My Followers! Invite your five followers and inspire them to complete the Medium Action within 3 to 6 months, aiming to reduce CO2 through the successful implementation of the project.
- Submit your five member team and their action @
- IGEN Project Committee will approve the proposal and present all the project order letter @
- Do step 3 to 6 in Stage 2 and motivate all five to complete the project
- You will be recommended for the IGEN SDG13 Change Maker Fellow , which will be given by Padma Bhushan Dr A Sivathanu Pillai and will include dinner with him.
- The following are the appreciation presented to you – Project Completion Certificate , IGEN GREEN Hero Award and Green Volunteer Graduation Certificate
🌱 “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” — Helen Keller
We are delighted to invite academic professionals, industry professionals, college and school students, and the general public to join us in supporting MINUSCO2 and making society GREEN.
Collectively, We Can Reduce CO₂ and Make the Environment Green
The fight against climate change is not an individual effort—it is a collective mission. Every small action we take contributes to a greater impact on our planet. By working together, we can reduce carbon dioxide emissions and create a greener, healthier environment for future generations.
Any queries to be addressed to Project Heads , #igenRajeswari @ +91 97867 78131 #igenMaheswari +91 99400 74890
WE4GREEN – “Change begins within—align your heart, balance the Panchabhutas, and act for climate control.” 🌱 – Dr L. Ramesh (President IGEN) #igenRamesh