“Enjoyed Sunday Cycling and initiated Green Action at home!”
It was a great Sunday, February 9th, 2025—the 14th day of the 35km cycling journey towards #igenPedal4Change —marking the launch of a new initiative, #igen4GreenHome, at the residence of Mr. K. Vasanth Kumar, Founder & President of Payananangal Inidhagattum Trust, Karukku Avenue, Ambattur, Chennai-53.

igen4GreenHome : The initiative aims to audit homes using #9Mantras4GreenLife and certify them as a GREENHOME if they meet all the required criteria

Today’s Kutty Story: Mr. K. Vasanth Kumar and Mr. Dinesh participated in the Green Home audit, revealing the joyful achievement that their home is already 75% aligned with green actions. We encouraged them to strive for 100% alignment and become the first IGEN-certified GREENHOME. #Ensav9Mantras to save one unit of energy per day at home was presented to them, and they agreed to implement it immediately. They shared their best practice of using their well for rainwater harvesting, efficiently recycling most of the rainwater back into it
Mr. K. Vasanth Kumar shared the initiatives he has undertaken under Payananangal Inidhagattum, and we agreed to support these efforts through a partnership aligned with #SDG17
We were pleased to learn that Mr. Dinesh, Assistant Professor at Sai Ram Engineering College, is well aware of #SDGs. Additionally, we took the opportunity to educate Mr. K. Vasanth Kumar on the essential need to integrate SDGs into our daily lives. Mr. Dinesh is keen to launch a new initiative under #iGenCycle4Green soon

IGENPEDEL4CHANGE : It aims to pedal 1000 km and initiate 99 green actions before December 2025 in action to support the Sustainable Development Goals. This project initiated by #igenRamesh and #igenBalamurugan , as part of the #igenCycle4Green initiative

Any one who interested to start green action project under #igenCycle4green please register @https://www.theigen.org/igensdgprojects/igencycle4green/c4g.html

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