Padhma Bhushan & Padhma Shri Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai (Father of BRAHMOS Aerospace) presided over a joint meeting between The Institution of Green Engineers (IGEN) and the International Tamil Engineers Forum (ITEF) aimed at establishing joint projects and events. 10th Jan 2025 at ABS Hotel, Chennai.

Er P. Krishna Jegan (Chairman ITEF) and the core committee members across the globe shared their views on hosting projects together in support of #SDG17, as well as their current activities. Dr L. Ramesh (President IGEN) and his team presented IGEN’s SDG Projects in action, as well as all the activities that are being conducted to make the world a greener place. In addition, they explain why hosting events and projects requires a partnership.

IGEN Board of Governors and ITEF Advisor Dr Sivathanu Pillai congratulate #ITEF #IGEN Engineers for leading society towards green by agreeing to a successful partnership.

Meeting Photo Album @

theigen #sdg17 #sdgs #globalgoals #partnership

