ABR, WRCA and IBR World Record Certified 54th EARTHDAY indexed third edition of “IGEN ENERGATHON 2024” officially launched at the MERCOM India Clean Energy Summit 2024 in Chennai.

Team #theigen organizers are looking for volunteers, who are willing to dedicate their time to coordinate the event. Those volunteers will be designated as the IGEN SDG7 District Ambassador

Nominate yourself if you can attend three meetings weekly in the late evening and support the execution of the Marathon @ https://forms.gle/ZFf485XxcWwN2qsHA

More information on Marathon @ https://conference.theigen.org/index.html

Any queries contact 91 7305858932

#theigen #igenEnergathon #igenEnergathon2024 #marathon #conference #sdgs #unenergy #cop29 #globalgoals

