Indexed by World Federation of Engineering Organizations – UNESCO


Witnessing World Engineering Day 2025

Organised By The Institution of Green Engineers (IGEN)

The event aims to engage, inspire, and amplify sustainable actions through short creative videos. This initiative encourages participants to showcase their real-world contributions toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

By capturing impactful sustainability practices in daily life, community projects, or innovative solutions, this competition seeks to motivate global action, raise awareness, and drive meaningful change through the power of digital storytelling. 🌍🎥♻️

Procedure to Get Recognized by IGEN on World Engineering Day 2025 (Witnessing WFEO) :

  • Join the Community: Students and professionals are invited to become part of the IGEN FB International Day Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/igen.internationalday
  • Create Your SDG Action Reel: Record a 2-minute video showcasing your implemented action aligned with any of the 17 SDG Goals, ensuring a green impact in your initiative.
  • Upload Your Video: Share your reel on the IGEN FB International Day Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/igen.internationalday.
  • Describe Your Impact: After uploading, provide a short write-up explaining your SDG action and its outcome.
  • Use Hashtags: Include the following hashtags to amplify your reach:
    #theigen #igenInternationalday #worldengineeringday #unesco #sdgs #globalgoals #sct4sdgs
  • Mention Your Details: Ensure your name and organization are mentioned in your post.
  • Recognition & Appreciation: The best SDG action reel with the maximum views will be honored with an SDG Action Badge and the IGEN SDG Recognition Certificate, with a feature in the FB Group.
  • Top 25 Feature: The top 25 reels will be showcased on the IGEN Instagram for public engagement.

 Celebrate World Engineering Day 2025: A warm invitation to all members to participate and make an impact as we celebrate World Engineering Day 2025! 🌍💡🎥

Join us in making a difference! 🚀♻️ #ActForSDGs

Any queries contact 91 7305858932


WE4GREEN – “Change begins within—align your heart, balance the Panchabhutas, and act for climate control.” 🌱 – Dr L. Ramesh (President IGEN) #igenRamesh