Number ONE can change people’s attitudes towards conservation
Join the celebration of National Energy Conservation Day 2024 – Residents are urged to conserve energy
ALBATRO (IGEN Energy Saver MASCOT) invites all kind-hearted people to save ONE unit/day at home by following #ENSAV9MANTRAS and support #SDGG7 #SDGG12 #SDGG13 and #SDGG17.
Join energy saving project IGEN MINUSCO2 BATTLE
To support to achieve SDG Goals and COP Climate change Conference Objective’s– The Institution of Engineers taken new initiative to reduce CO2 by the inauguration of project IGEN MINUSCO2 BATTLE.
The objective of the project is to empowering 10 billion public to take action to minus Co2 by implementing #theigen #ensav9mantras for cleaner environment before 2030
9 steps to start the Project
1) Join the project FB page @
2) Follow ALBATRO #ensav9mantras to save 1.3Kg Co2 per day at home @ YouTube link
Download #ensav9mantras @
3) Pledge to Implement the mantras at your home and assure that some mantras started action in your home
4) You can make a video and explain each mantra in the video and post it on the project’s Facebook page at , as well as a one interesting photo with your home.
5) Submit the google form for Project Action certificate
6) The IGEN team will communicate and post the Project Action certificate on the #igenMinusCo2 Facebook page
7) To receive a SDG713 Promotor Certificate, promote the video to 500 views and submit the form
8) Upon proving that the participants reduced CO2 emissions by implementing the project, the participants receive a Carbon Credit Certificate.
9) A participant will be declared a SDG13 Climate Actor once 10 more members have completed the project through his or her reference.
I love to invite all the green thinkers across the globe to implement the project and support UN SDGs Goals.
#theigen #igenensavclub #igenAlbatro #sdgs #unep #nitiayog #undesa #un #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDGCC #SDGTN #energyconservation #energysaving #energyefficiency #climateaction
Any queries contact 91 7305858932