IGEN Sustainability Champion Awards 2024 Presented
Partner Academic Institutions who submitted nominations and won the award from the Award committee judges received the award.
IGEN Sustainability Champion Awards honor individuals, academic institutions, industries, societies, and NGOs who are leaders in sustainable action aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As a result, people will be inspired to do more to support sustainable practices, raising public awareness and contributing to global sustainability.
The Award was presented by Padma Bhushan Sivathanu Pillai (Founder and CEO BHRAHMOS AEROSPACE PVT) (Board of Governors of IGEN) and Mr. APJMJ Sheik Dawood , Director of Kryptos Technologies and Co-Founder of APJ Abdul Kalam International Foundation.
Presentation Photo Album available at IGEN FB Photo album @ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.590557900019816&type=3
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