IGEN Green Sustainability Academic Partner Program inaugurated at St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering on 22nd November 2024, 10:30AM.

SXCCE Correspondent Rev Fr S Godwin Selva Justus received the IGEN SDG4SXCCE Declaration SDG Ring from IGEN Principal Head and IGEN President in the presence of Principal , Dr. J. Maheswaran , SXCCE ,Inaugural album at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=theigen.org&set=a.582422237500049

This partnership agreement will help St.Xavier to integrate United Nations SDGs into its academic activities and help the institution move towards sustainability through the initiative IGEN SDG4SXCCE.
About IGEN Green SAP Program: The program’s objective is to promote GREEN SUSTAINABILITY in academic institutions through implementation of the NINE action strategy of IGEN, which incorporates UN SDG Goals integration in to academic activities. More details to join visit https://theigen.org/igenmembership/institution.html

theigen #SDG4SXCCE #SDGs #globalgoals #act4sdgs #un #undesa #igensdgprojects #igentalk4sdg

Padmashri R.M Vasagam
Board of Governor IGEN