Visit the IGEN LinkedIN Page to see the names of the institutions:
The President of the Institution of Green Engineers, Dr. Ramesh, extends a special thank you to all organizations that installed the IGEN ENSAVCLUB and took action for #SDG7 #SDG12 #SDG13 and who were rewarded with IGEN’s SDG7123 promoter institution of the year 2024. Also, I would like to thank the institution that supported all IGEN activities and SDG projects during 2023 and 2024.
Institutions will be honoured on November 22, 2024, during the IGEN ENSAVER Award Ceremony at St. Xavier Catholic College of Engineering, during IGEN ENSAVCLUB Annual Day.
theigen #igenEnsavclub #igenawards #unep #nitiayog #undesa #un #SustainableDevelopmentGoals #SDGCC #SDGTN