Attention Students!!!!!!!!

R you an innovative thinker and interested to file your first PATENT

Join as the member of WIPO GREEN Partnered, IGEN YOUNGREEN INNOVATORS ARME and be part of I2C PATENT99 Cohort

PATENT99 connects 99 creative minds and generates 49 patents and 9 green startups that will be published at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) GREEN.

Procedure to join IGEN YGIN ARME

  1. Choose one societal issue and come up with an innovative solution
  2. Submit the nomination with required information through before 15th August 2024
  3. Ideas that have been shortlisted will be invited for an innovation pitch Presentation
  4. All the finalist will be selected as the member of IGEN YGIN ARME
  5. The IGEN team will guide you through the process of filing your first PATENT

Any queries’ to be communicated to Coordinator Syed Furqan Ahmad @ 91 8610894272

#theigen #innovation #creativity #sdgs #sdg9 #WIPOGREEN

Er Venkatesh