The Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA) under the leadership of Shri.Hans Raj Verma I.A.S with the goal to embark Energy Efficiency as Mantra in all the MSME TN – Marching towards DECARBONISATION invites all to join hands to celebrate National Energy Conservation Day 2023 in partnership with TIIC, TERI, IITM KISEM, NPC, SSSNIBE, ITCOT & FAME TN.
The scheduled program:
- Launch of V3.0 of #ensavmantras , 9mantras to save one unit per day at home
- Inauguration of UN DESA indexed IGEN ENERGY99CHALLENGE V1.1(UN project action ID # #SDGAction48555)
- TEDA MoU signing ceremony
The Objective of the project is to implement energy saving, #ensavmantrs to 99 public in 99 days with outcome to save 36K Units per Year. Each participants will create energy saving awareness to 99 homes and make them to implement the concept of saving one unit per day leads to save 365 units/home.
Program scheduled on 29th Dec 2023 at TEDA conference Hall& live @
#theigen #igenEnergy99Challenge #SDGAction48555 #sdgs #sdg #sdg7 #sdg13 #sdg12 #teri #npc #itcot
Dr Senthil Kumar
Director IGEN